MKMSGF Kitchen.msg PAre you sure you want to Exit? WYou have reached the Maximum number of Goups allowed in a recipe. WYou have to select the text you want for the header before you press the Header Button. WYou must specify a file name before you can select this function. WDo you want to delete these files. EUnable to create the new data base file(s). EFile Error occurred. WNumber of items in listbox exceeds the operating system limit. WAre you sure you want to delete these recipes? PAre you sure you want to create a default INI file? Your custom option setting may be lost! EUnable to open recipe file. EYou have entered invalid registration information. WThe INI file version does not match the program version. The INI file can be updated by selecting the Options menu, and closing it. If you have registered Kitchen Assistant/2, You will have to applied your registration infomation again. ERecipe Size too big! IThe log file size has exceeded 500KB. To erase or reduce its size go to File, View Log. PThis file already exist. Do you want to overwrite it? ERegisteration Validate failed.